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Document Number: 846

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Field 10: itemdiscount (optional)

This variable allows either a dollar-discount or a percentage-discount. If you desire the product to offer a dollar reduction, simply include the code: $x dollar discount for product. If you want to give a savings percentage for the product, use the code: x% percentage of discount for product. All entries MUST be numeric and may include the currency ( $ ) or percentage ( % ) symbols.

Discounts are expandable by using the ( @ ), ( # ), or ( > ) symbols. To build a discount structure based on a price or quantity range use the ( @ ) or ( > ) symbols your range, a colon, then the discount amount. To give a discount on every Nth item use the ( # ) symbol the Nth item, a colon, followed by the discount amount.

Discounts that begin with #, @, or > can be made global. To do this simply end the discount code with the global identifier. If a product is not made global than the discount can only apply to the 1 specific cart entry.

$4.95Each item is reduced in price by $4.95
Note: For discounts less than $1.00, include the 0 (zero) before the decimal point (e.g. $0.10).
#2:100%Buy one get one free
50%Wow this item is 50% off
>10:5%:20:10%:50:15%Quantities 1-9 regular price
Quantities 10-19 are 5% off
Quantities 20-49 are 10% off
Quantities 50+ are 15% off
Note: For example if they purchase 20 products that are normally $100 each, the total price for all 20 would come out to $1930.00. Notice that the first 9 products are regular price, then 10-19 are 5% off, and finally the 20th is 10% off.
@10:5%:20:10%:50:15%Quantities 1-9 regular price
Quantities 10-19 are 5% off
Quantities 20-49 are 10% off
Quantities 50+ are 15% off
Note: For example if they purchase 20 products that are normally $100 each, the total price for all 20 would come out to $1800.00. Notice that all 20 products got the 10% discount.
@$1000:5%:$2000:10%Dollar amounts 0-999 are regular price
Dollar amounts 1000-1999 are 5% off
Dollar amounts 2000+ are 10% off
Note: For an order amount of $999 or below there is no discount. For order amounts from $1000 to $1999 customers receive a 5% discount. Orders $2000 and above receive 10% off.
>$100:$10:globalGive an instant $10 rebate if $100 or more is purchased (one time only)
>1:$10:2:$0:globalGive an instant $10 rebate if 1 or more products are purchased (one time only)
#$100:$10Give an instant $10 rebate for every $100 purchased
#2:100%Buy one get one free
#3:50%Buy two get the third one at half price
#3:50%:half_offThis is a global discount. All items with this discount code will be used for calculating the quantities
@10:5%:shirtsYou could create a discount like this to allow customers to get a discount if they buy 10 or more or any shirt with this code
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